RV Tire Maintenance
An essential part of servicing your RV is maintaining the camper’s tires. Tires not only endure the weight of the rig but also maintain and help to change the direction of travel. This makes it important to take care of RV tires as proactively as you would maintain the other components.
At Herold Trailer Sales in Iowa, we have put together this brief maintenance guide to help you keep your RV tires in their best health. For help to service them or replace the current ones on your RV, head to our dealership near Des Moines.
Maintain Tire Inflation
Well-inflated tires bring you several benefits including optimal weight distribution, easier acceleration, and better fuel mileage. It also boosts maneuverability of the rig, especially around the bends. Refer to the owner’s manual to see the recommended psi levels and ensure that you maintain it every time you are on a trip. A tire pressure gauge can come in handy to keep a tab on the tire pressure.
Inspect Tread Depth
The tread depth of your camper’s tires suggests their condition. Insufficient tread depth may mean that the rig isn’t achieving optimum traction. Also, it may mean excessive wear and tear which can be dangerous while you are on the road. Regularly inspect the tread to see if all the tires are wearing out evenly. If they are not, get our service experts from Herold Trailer Sales to assess the condition for you. They can also look for slow leaks and punctures and fix them for you.
Avoid Overloading
Overloading your rig can also cause damage to the tires. Look up in the owner’s manual to see the permitted weight inside the camper. Other than speeding up the wear and tear process, overloading can also create a blowout, causing serious accidents.
While loading cargo, remember to distribute the weight evenly throughout the space. Apply the 60/40 ratio by storing 60% of the cargo in the front and 40% at the rear.
Rotate Tires Regularly
On smaller RVs, rotating the tires regularly proves helpful because this allows them to evenly wear out. This is recommended only if all four tires of the same make and model. If you have a spare tire belonging to the same group, rotate that into the mix as well.
Store Tires Properly
If you intend to not use your RV for an extended period, don’t let the tires wear down by allowing them to hold the RV’s weight throughout the duration of storage. Also, the elements can cause damage and lead to costly tire replacements. As a fix, remove the tires and cover them before storing them in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. It is a good idea to over inflate the tires 25% over the manufacturer’s recommended psi level during storage. When you plan to take them out at the end of your break, remember to re-adjust the pressure to the OEM’s recommendation.
If you must leave the tires attached to the rig, remember to move the RV regularly. Drive the camper for some distance to warm up the tires and prevent the weight from damaging the spots on which it rested. Let the RV rest in shade so that the weather doesn’t wear the tires down.
Well-maintained tires boost fuel economy and the rig’s overall performance and keeps you safe, too. If you need new tires, RV service, or a new camper, visit Herold Trailer Sales near Des Moines, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska.